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Corporate & Custom Orders

Sustainable corporate and custom stationery.
Are you looking for custom notebooks for your business or event? We've created many custom solutions for businesses, events, schools and organisations.

Chat to us and see how we can work together on a sustainable solution, and help replant the planet! We'll plant trees on your behalf with every order.

Notely has partnered with 3 charities in the Australian planting space to help replant the planet.

One Tree Planted Logo
Reforest Now Logo
Rainforest Rescue Logo

Your order today will help us replant another tree through our partners at Reforest Now and One Tree Planted.

Plus, when you place your third order with Notely, you can breathe easier knowing your purchase has funded the protection of 2 square meters of native rainforest with Rainforest Rescue. So far, we’ve contributed to restoring 400sqm of Queensland rainforest.

Take notes, plan your day, and journal like a wild thing.

As one of Australia’s first sustainable notebook and journal brands, we have helped over ten thousand people get organised and get the most out of their day, without having to cut down trees to make virgin tree pulp.

Start each day with clarity and mindfulness, safe in the knowledge that all our products use post-consumer and commercial waste, including FSC-certified recycled paper and card stock made from discarded coffee cups!

Let’s replant the planet, one note at a time! 

Notely Blossom Journal in Flower Fields
Custom sustainable notebooks for Bank Australia
Eco friendly notebooks for CXD event in Brisbane
Custom notebooks for University of Technology Sydney in Cream and Black
Custom sustainable notebooks for clothing brand AJE

Replanting the planet with locally made stationery

Read more about how Notely’s doin’ their bit…