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Featured with global print designers and crafts people in Print/Maker book

  • 1 min read

The team at Uppercase Magazine released a limited edition of Print / Maker (Volume P) in the UPPERCASE Encyclopaedia of Inspiration. 

This 368-page book features profiles of 48 designers, artists, artisans and entrepreneurs who make things with print from all around the world. 

What’s even better, it’s a BEAUTIFUL BOOK with wonderful stories of designers and printers who love their craft and insights into their daily life and studios.  

We feel so very privileged to be among these inspiring pages of interviews with printers, designers & illustrators.


Print / Maker Book open to interview with stationery brand Notely

 Notely interview in Print / Maker Book

There's something magical about the tactile experience of print—whether it be books, magazines or stationery. There's so much noise online, so the experience of a well-crafted book or magazine really makes my heart sing.

Bottle Brush Notely notebooks featured in Print / Maker book

Photography of our studio by Brisbane photographer Cathy Schusler.

Find out more about the Print/Maker book here.